„The golden path is alongside the way.
It's alongside the road. It's not always the way you want to see, or you want to go, or the way you think you need to go. It can be another way or another road than you would like it to be. It can go up and down, like the rolling hills, it can be going in circles, it can go straight, it can be anywhere in the world, it can be outside and inside of your heart and your soul.
Just prepare and listen and go wherever it is taking you, just follow it.
And even if you're all alone, you will always feel where to go. You don't have to hide or to run, because you're guided all along the way. And you don't have to look back. You can just take step after step and go forward, and you will find maybe a tree (like an oak) or maybe a human being to lean on, because we're always with you. We can be in anything, in any human being, in any path, in an animal, in any weather condition, in anything you will meet along the way. We will never gonna lose you, although you sometimes got the feeling of being lost.
It's always wonderful to be with you, it's always wonderful for us to take your path with you – although you might not see us, although you might sometimes not realize we're there. Just trust in us, and we will be with you. We will never gonna leave you, whatever you do, whatever happens and whatever you think you have to do. Because we are one, we're one with you, like all humans are. So don't look back, just go straight, go along your way. And even if it's getting dark there will be something that lights up and leads you forwards.
There are sometimes angels on the way, you might not notice them, but still they are there. Sometimes they appear to be different, not as angels but as anyone who prepares you for something, and you might not know it first, but you will see it along the way. You will get to that person and you will understand. Even if it's later on, you will understand, you will get it.
So just follow the road, wherever it might lead you, and you will feel where you have to go, always and ever. We're always there for you.
Thank you.“